Speaker Application Form
The Fall Institute welcomes content experts including Advanced Practice Nurses, Students, and other Mental Health professionals to present on a topic they are passionate about.
Please, complete the form below to have your topic reviewed for approval by the planning committee.
Speaker Expectations
APNs who attend this conference need Continuing Education Units (CEUs) offered for continued licensure. Colorado Nurses Association who provides Continuing Education Units has a process and timeline for application submission. The requested documents are essential to conduct a successful conference and for Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses to obtain CEUs.
As a presenter, I agree to the following:
Submit the required materials for the Fall Institute and CEU Application by the deadlines requested:
March 15, 2023
Signed Speaker Agreement
Professional photo or Headshot
Brief bio for website
Title of presentation
CV or Resume
May 1, 2023
Conflict of Interest form
Brief content outline for the presentation
List of evidence-based references cited.
August 30, 2023
Your complete presentation slides to be reviewed by the Nurse Planner for conflict-of-interest issues.
You alone own your slides and content as intellectual property.
After review by our Nurse Planner, slides will be posted on our password protected Fall Institute website to be downloaded by Institute attendees.)
The honorarium for a single speaker 90-minute presentation (60-minute presentation with 30 minutes of Q&A) is $450.00. Modifications to the honorarium will be made for panel discussions. Honorariums are paid in person directly after your presentation.
**** Please be advised your Fall Institute registration, travel, and hotel expenses are NOT covered by the Fall Institute for speakers.
We will forward all registration and hotel information to help you register for the conference and/or can book accommodations at the hotel discount offered in the Registration materials.